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December 11th Budget Cooking Essential Life Skills Class
DECEMBER CLASSES_resized.jpgBudget Cooking – The class takes place entirely at Stop & Shop, on December 11th, 7-8:30pm. We’ll start by doing an actual grocery shop, and then students will cook the food we’ve purchased using only a microwave and some creativity. They’ll learn about food budgeting and nutrition at the grocery store, and how to make complete, healthy, and quick meals. We’ll make a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a dessert. They’ll also receive a packet of information to review and expand upon what they’ve learned.

Registered Dietician, Kathy Cobb, will co-facilitate with Jody Kelly and Samantha Steinmacher.

Donation $5/student

Space is limited - register by calling Youth and Family Services 860-395-3190